For quite some time I have been pondering about blogging but work overload simply meant that I did not have the energy left when coming home. Things did not change from that side but, unless I put myself to do it, this blog will never start. So, here I am with this first post.
Yesterday the secretary of state for education (Montserrat Gomendio), while talking at the Fórum Europa, discussed the perspective of changing the university scholarship system from, well… scholarships to loans. It is rather weird that one of the governments that spends substantially less (as proportion of GDP) than the European average in education and R+D, considers that the expenditure for the university system is very high. Also, there seems to be a misdirected perspective, as for the secretary of state the problem is not if the university education system is free or not, but who is paying for it and in which way (“no es cuestión de gratuito o no, sino de quién lo paga, cómo y cuándo”, according to Gomendio).